Does ADHD ever just go away?

Most people with ADHD continue to have at least some symptoms as they get older. Kids may get less hyperactive but still struggle with attention issues. Other times, symptoms may not even be diagnosed as ADHD until adulthood. However, it is important to understand that ADHD symptoms can be manageable with appropriate interventions.

Is ADHD a learning disability?

ADHD is not a learning disability but it can affect learning. A learning disability makes it hard to acquire specific skills such as reading or math. However, ADHD impacts more global skills like paying attention and controlling impulses (which in turn, affects academics). It is common for kids to have both ADHD and a learning disability, hence many often combine the two together.

Do boys and girls show the same ADHD symptoms?

Girls and boys tend to display different symptoms. In general, teachers tend to report that girls seem to compensate better in school and are less likely to act out in school compared to boys. Additionally, girls with ADHD are less likely than boys to be blurting things out in class or engage in aggressive behaviors with fellow classmates. Signs to look for in girls include:

- Being withdrawn

- "Daydreaming"

- Non-stop talking

- Interrupting and speaking out of turn

- Messiness or disorganization

- Trouble finishing tests and assignments on time

- Being overly emotional or sensitive

In general, girls are more likely to be undiagnosed than boys. Research indicates that girls with ADHD struggle more than boys to pay attention. As they get older, they're more likely to have problems with depression, substance abuse and eating disorders than typically developing girls. As such, it is important to be familiar with the more subtle ways in which girls present ADHD symptoms.

How early can ADHD be diagnosed?

There have been cases in which children as young as age three have been diagnosed with ADHD. Usually, these preschoolers are diagnosed because they exhibit frequent and very serious behavior problems. For example, they might have severe tantrums or physical aggression towards others. They may do impulsive things that risk serious injury. It is also important for these young children to be assessed for other developmental problems such as language delay. Here are some steps to take to help your child receive proper assistance:

- Observe his behavior and take notes

- Talk to your child's doctor

- Find out what the preschool teacher is seeing

- Learn about ADHD and its treatment options

- Explore strategies to try at home

Why does my kid struggle with anger issues?

The stress buildup within the day/week/months can lead to your child being overwhelmed. Kids often find themselves in stressful situations created by their attention issues. They may be highly sensitive, but they may also have a hard time expressing their emotions. So when they have an angry outburst they may feel bad about it long after you’ve moved on.

It is important not to overlook these anger issues as they can lead to manifestations of other mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

My child often rushes through homework and have trouble writing organized sentences. What can I do to help?

Kids may rush through homework because they don’t like doing repetitive work or simply because the homework is too difficult for the child to handle.

Try switching the order of homework. Have your child do the easiest, quickest assignments first. Your child will feel accomplished to be able to check tasks off the “to do” list and lessen his/her anxiety with homework. As for writing organized sentences, it might be useful to use visual strategies such as graphic organizers to help your child organize his/her thoughts before writing them out.

My child often worry about school work and dreads going to school. How can I help him/her overcome his anxiety with school? 

As children reaches school age, they will take more tests in more subjects than ever before. Kids with learning and attention issues who’ve done poorly on tests in the past may be scared of failing again.

Talk with your child about his concerns and try to find out his specific worries. They may have to do with the particular subject area or the format of the test, for instance. Knowing what’s making him anxious can help you talk about specific strategies or accommodations that might help. That alone may offer him some relief. As you talk, however, try not to let his anxiety make you anxious. If you can stay calm, that may help your child feel calmer.

My child often have trouble performing well on tests even though he/she understands the materials. Why?

There are many possible reasons - Your child may not understand the format of the test or may feel anxious during test taking, leading him/her to perform below the best of his/her ability.

If a teacher is willing to offer practice tests, encourage your child to take them. If not, review his previous quizzes and tests, and go over the formats together. Discuss what your child finds confusing about a format and what might make it clearer for him. Doing a practice test can also let your child learn how to pace himself during the actual test. Feeling anxious can make some kids speed through. Help him keep track of how long it takes to get through the test leaving enough time to think about and answer each question and review the answers.

My child complains about having problems with his/her classmates in school. How should I respond?

When talking with your child about social problems, frame the conversation as positively as possible. One way to do that is to listen before talking.

Only ask a few questions after your child tells you what’s on his mind. Ask if he’s done anything about the situation. Compliment him on his effort even if what he did was not effective. And follow that with a few questions that put him in control, such as “What else can you try?”

Acknowledge that his feelings are real, and show him that you’ve thought about them. That allows him to respond so the conversation can continue. If you jump right to advice, you’ll shut down the conversation.

It’s natural to relate his experiences to experiences you had as a child. But try to avoid it. It’s critical for you to think about what the social situations mean to him, not what they would have meant to you.

My child is disappointed he didn’t do better in classes despite working hard. How can I help?

It is important to recognize your child’s efforts, such that he/she feels that a sense of control over his/her own learning and will continue to stay motivated. It is important to remember that any improvement is progress and can take time to see the results. Recognizing this provides an opportunity to talk about what's working well.


Your child's performance may have little to do with effort. Instead, you should figure out whether your child has the necessary supports from school and at home? Maybe it's time to consider an evaluation.

The parents’ attention are focused solely on the newborn youngest sister, and begins ignoring the elder sister in multiple situations. The elder sister reciprocates this situation by losing her temper and interrupting her younger sister, which results to the younger sister being more and more reluctant to speak. In this situation, what should the parents do?
  1. Parents should eliminate the hostility that the elder sister has, and teach her to start caring for the younger sister. Guiding both of them to a harmonious relationship.
  2. Parents should try to be as fair as possible when mediating inter-sister conflicts. For example, when the two sisters are scuffling for a toy, instead of having one sister give up control of the toy, have both sisters learn to share the toy.
  3. Parents should not ignore the elder sister because of the arrival of their youngest child.
  4. Parents should explain to the elder sister that the arrival of her younger sister is not to divide their love between them. Instead, her younger sister is there to accompany her.
  5. Set a good image for the elder sister, so she could follow and be more caring of her younger sister
  6. Avoid saying “jokes” which compares the two children such as, which is better, or which of the two is more well behaved. If either parent accidentally makes this mistake, parents should find a way to remedy the situation immediately.
  7. In addition, parents can read books related to inter-sister or inter-family conflicts and how to deal with these situations, such as: ‘Cedric, Who Wants to be an Only Child’, guiding the two to live in harmony.
Are boys more prone to being diagnosed with ASD?

A study found that out of 10,000 newborns, 10-15 cases had Autism. Firstborn sons are more likely to have Autism, about 3-5 cases out of 10,000 children. Men in general are also 3-4 times more likely to have Autism than women.  (Graham, Turk and Verhulst, 1999)

Does constant engagement in electronic/mobile devices affect my child’s development?

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of the constant use of technology throughout a child's development.Advantage: When using electronic devices for educational purposes, this is conductive in motivating children to learn. According to relevant research, the authenticity and interactions can improve the learning experience in children. The visual and auditory stimuli can also arouse their interest in learning.

Disadvantage: Foreign research has found that parents who allow their child too much time on electronic devices are likely to negatively affect their attentiveness when under traditional paper-based education in school.